HUONG SENG HEANG has been a qualified lawyer and has joined the Commerce and Investment Law Group (CILG) since 2010. Before joining CILG, Mr. HOUNG was a civil servant at the Ministry of Interior from 2002-2010. Mr. HUONG primarily practices in banking and finance sectors such as hypothesis loans, money transfers, mortgage lending, banking and business transaction, real-estate, intellectual property, commercial and investment sectors. With more than ten years of practice as a lawyer, Mr. HUONG has assisted CILG to train junior lawyers at CILG and help CILG grow to this today. He has gained more and more expertise in his practices and is able to offer the best notary service. Mr. HOUNG holds a Bachelor of Law in 1999, Middle Ranking Civil Servant Diploma at Royal School of Administration in 2001, a Master of Law in 20012 from the Royal University of Law and Economics and a Certificate of Aptitude in Legal Profession (CAPA) at LTC in 2010.